Jeez, I just keep adding and adding drugs to my blog---Honestly, I did not realize the problem I had! I loathe this drug....If you notice the pictures below, the difference between the normal brain and the brain on Opitaes---well on any of the drugs I was taking my brain always felt like there were just so many things racing through it---with the exception of Hydrocodone.
From Opiate addiction is recognized as a central nervous system disorder, caused by continuous opiate intake.
After prolonged opiate use, the nerve cells in the brain, which would otherwise produce endogenous opiates (natural painkillers, or endorphins), cease to function normally. The body stops producing endorphins because it is receiving opiates instead. The degeneration of these nerve cells causes a physical dependency to an external supply of opiates. Abrupt or sudden abstinence from opiates induces yet another traumatic disorder - withdrawal syndrome.

Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms are wide ranging and vary from person to person. They can set in hours after a person stops taking an opiate abruptly or gradually stops use.
An opioids is a synthetic narcotic that is similar to naturally occurring opiates. These substances bind to opiate receptors in the body and are often used in the management of pain. Over time, a person can become tolerant of opiates. Once this happens, the body needs more and more in order to experience the same level of effects. Natural opiates are alkaloids found in the opium poppy plant and examples are morphine, codeine and thebaine. Semi-synthetic opioids are created from natural opiates and include oxycodone, hydrocodone and hydromorphone. Fully synthetic opioids include fentanyl, methadone and tramadol.
People who use opiates for medical reasons can become dependent and may require opiate detoxification. These medications can be taken safely over a relatively short period of time, but most people become physically dependent when on long-term therapy. This is what makes pain management so tricky. Opiates are prized for their ability to quell pain, but tolerance, dependence and addiction can set in, even when the drugs are used properly.
Opiate withdrawal can be very difficult to undergo if not properly treated. The fear of going through withdrawal is what keeps many people dependent upon drugs like Vicodin and OxyContin. They don’t want to stop using opiates because they fear a return of pain and withdrawal symptoms that can resemble the worst imaginable flu. Opiate withdrawal symptoms can be both physical and psychological.
Opiate withdrawal symptoms can include
- Strong cravings
- Nausea
- Cramps
- Sweating
- Chills
- Goose bumps
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Shakes
- Irritation
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Muscle aches
- Runny nose
- Yawning
- Insomnia
- Dilated pupils.
Many opiate treatment programs rely on “replacement” or “substitution” medications such as methadone, Suboxone or Subutex. These medications are also opioids and may require additional detoxification. People who opt to try these substitution therapies may find this to be a long-term solution. People who want to immediately detox from opiates may try to detox on their own. This can be dangerous if they are not weaned properly. Other options include rapid opiate detox, which offers promising results if performed properly.
The Waismann Method of rapid detoxification has demonstrated tremendous success rates one year after treatment. This program doesn’t use opiate replacements, but rather a pioneering medical procedure performed in a hospital. Patients are evaluated thoroughly and are sedated while given intravenous medications that wipe out the physical dependence in less than two hours. This procedure speeds up and condenses a painful withdrawal.
Opiate dependence doesn’t have to be a life sentence. People who are dependent and afraid of withdrawal need to know they have treatment options.